
Director - Greek Council of Refugees


Lefteris Papagiannakis is the Director of the Greek Council for Refugees and former Vice Mayor for Migrants and Refugees of the City of Athens. Previously, he served as head of Advocacy, Policy and Research at SolidarityNow, president of the Council for the Integration of Migrants of the Municipality of Athens, legal counselor for the political party Ecologists Green and the Special Secretariat on Environmental Inspection. Prior to that he worked at the University of Athens, European Parliament, at the information website e-go.gr, and in the education programme for children of the muslim minority in Thrace as head of the programme centers. He advocates for the improved roles of cities, human rights, and social cohesion. He was born in France, finished primary and secondary education in Greece, and completed studies on Public Law at University of Lille II, followed by a DEA in European Community Law and International Economy. 


Lefteris Papapgiannakis