Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is the location of the Ulpiana Forum?

    The Ulpiana Forum takes place in the capital city Pristina, Republic of Kosovo.

  • How can I participate in the Ulpiana Forum?

    Participation in-person at the Ulpiana Forum is by invitation only. But a limited number can
    register to follow the forum, the registration is based on first come first served. Only those who
    have received invitations and confirmed their attendance can attend the sessions. Credentials
    will be provided for each participants in the forum.

  • Do I need accreditation and where can I obtain it?

    To participate in the Ulpiana Forum, you must first confirm your attendance and then complete
    the registration form available on the Forum’s website. Once your participation is confirmed,
    your badge will be prepared and can be collected at the Registration and Information Point
    located at Kino Armata at the following address: Brigada e Kosovës, Prishtinë, Republic of

  • Accreditation pick-up will be available during the following time slots:

    – Wednesday, 15 November between 18:00 and 20:00
    – Thursday, 16 November between 8:30 and 17:00 hrs.

    Please note that access to the forum spaces will only be granted to those who have received
    their accreditation badge in advance.

  • What language will be used during the Ulpiana Forum?

    The working language of the Ulpiana Forum will be English. Translation services will also be
    provided in Albanian, Serbian, French, German, Spanish and Arabic. Please make sure to
    indicate the need for translation in your registration form.

  • What is the dress code for the Ulpiana Forum?

    The dress code for the Ulpiana Forum is Business Formal.

  • How can I travel from Prishtina International Airport “Adem Jashari” to the Ulpiana Forum venue?

    There are two options to travel from Prishtina International Airport “Adem Jashari” to Prishtina:

    1. Take the A1 bus, which will take you to the bus station in Prishtina, located approximately 2 kilometers southwest of the city center.
    2. Take a taxi, which will cost 15 Euros and the travel time is approximately 20 minutes. If you need assistance with scheduling a taxi, make sure to indicate so in the registration form, and we will provide you the assistance.

  • What will the weather be like in November?

    In November, Pristina experiences low temperatures and moderate rainfall. Expect daytime
    temperatures around 12°C (54°F), while nighttime temperatures can drop to 2°C (36°F).

  • What are the recommended accommodations?

    You will receive an Info Package with more information and suggestions including
    accommodation. Nonetheless, the Forum will be held in Pristina center, and there are plenty of
    hotels nearby that you can book easily.

  • What are the emergency contact numbers?

    In case of emergencies, please use the following contact numbers:
    – Police:
    – 92 (landline)
    – 192 (cell phone)
    – 922 (cell phone)
    – Firefighters: 93
    – Hospital Emergency: 94