Sanjin Arifagic is the Regional Director for Southeast Europe at, Financial Markets International, Inc. With over 25 years of professional experience working with private and public sector clients in Southeast Europe, Sanjin Arifagić currently leads the USAID Diaspora Invest Project to promote and facilitate diaspora investment and engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina implemented by Financial Markets International (FMI Inc.) Before joining FMI, Mr. Arifagić worked at the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), heading a comprehensive trade and investment integration program between the 13 countries in the SEE region. Mr. Arifagic also served as a managing director of a boutique investment bank operating in the SEE region and has worked as a business development officer and project manager at the IFC/World Bank and a consultant for IBM Management Consulting Services and PricewaterhouseCoopers. His areas of expertise include financial advisory, privatization, corporate governance, and economic development. Mr. Arifagic studied economics at the University of Sarajevo and University of London, and holds an MBA from IEDC Bled, Slovenia.